Ponni Boiled Rice benefits

Ponni Boiled Rice benefits

Ponni Boiled Rice: A Nutritious and Healthy Choice Rice is a staple food in many parts of the world, especially in Asia. In India, rice is an essential part of the daily diet and is consumed in various forms. Among the different varieties of rice available, Ponni boiled rice is a popular choice. Ponni rice is a type of rice that is predominantly grown in the southern part of India, particularly in the state of Tamil Nadu. Here are some of the health benefits of consuming Ponni boiled rice. Boiled rice is steamed before milling and is partially boiled in...

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Millets Health Benefits - Small but mighty

Millets Health Benefits - Small but mighty

Millet is rich in dietary fiber, both soluble and insoluble. The insoluble fiber in millet is known as a “prebiotic,” which means it supports good bacteria in your digestive system. This type of fiber is also important for adding bulk to stools, which helps keep you regular and reduces your risk of colon cancer. In India, millets have been mentioned in some of the oldest Yajurveda texts, identifying foxtail millet (priyangava), Barnyard millet (aanava) and black finger millet (shyaamaka), thus indicating that millet consumption was very common, pre-dating to the Indian Bronze Age (4,500BC). Millets are extremely hardy crops(not like Rice) needing just...

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Turmeric (Indian saffron) - Health Benefits

Turmeric (Indian saffron) - Health Benefits

Turmeric, the golden-colored strongly flavored spice, is having a “moment.” This ancient spice, celebrated for centuries as both food and medicine, has resurfaced within the health and nutrition communities thanks to curcumin, the healing substance which supplies its vibrant color. Curcumin has significant anti-inflammatory properties that are said to rival those found in ibuprofen. Unlike over-the-counter drugs, turmeric has no toxic effects on the body. Curcumins powerful antioxidant advantages have been shown to protect healthy cells, particularly those found in the colon, from cancer-causing agents. It aids the body in destroying mutated cancer cells before they have a chance to spread to...

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Mapillai Samba Rice - Traditional Red Rice

Emperor's Rice

Mapillai Samba Rice - Traditional Red Rice

My name is Red! Traditional red rice is grown widely in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and Karnataka (Sigappu kauni, Kattuyanam, Mappilai samba, Kuruva, Thondi and Thavalakannan are a few of them) Red rice, minimally processed, has more micronutrients and B complex vitamins than the polished rice Ayurvedic physicians in ancient times used these varieties as medicine and for therapies Mapillai Samba or “Bride Groom Rice” is a native variety of rice, which is red in color and is grown predominantly in South India and Sri Lanka. It's well suited to organic farming because it is hardy and demands little or no fertilizers or pesticides. It is...

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Karupu Kavuni Rice (Emperor's Rice)- Health Benefits

Emperor's Rice

Karupu Kavuni Rice (Emperor's Rice)- Health Benefits

Karupu Kavuni Rice is also known as Emperor's Rice. The Origin of this rice is India and China. It was reserved for the Emperor in ancient China and used as tribute food. In the time since it remained popular in certain regions of China and India. recently has become prized worldwide for its high levels of antioxidants because of the dark color in nature.  Black rice gets its signature black-purple color from a pigment called anthocyanin, which has potent antioxidant properties. Anthocyanins are a group of flavonoid plant pigments that are responsible for the purple color of black rice, as well as several other plant-based foods like blueberries and...

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